Saturday, June 10, 2017

Emroidery Map

Going through the internet I want to show you one new wonderful map. Embroidery has unlimited universe tells us precisely the work of Iren Velichkova-Yamami. Her work is a map of Bulgaria. In this map she embroidered 140 Bulgarian embroidery from different regions of the country.
It's amazing.

En passant par internet je veux vous montrer une nouvelle carte de l'état merveilleuse. Broderie a l'univers ilimitè qui nous montre précisément le travail d'Iren Velichkova-Yamami. Son travail est une carte de l'état de la Bulgarie. Elle a brodé 140 broderie bulgare de différentes régions du pays.
C'est incroyable.

Thank you for visit! Merci pour la visite!

Embroidery by Iren Velichkova-Yamami
Photograph: Ilia Valev

Monday, June 5, 2017

Embroidery Tradition

Hi, friends!
I want to show you an interesting idea where and how embroidery can be placed. How this design can change your room, bathroom, entry, dining room.

The project of small bathroom is design by-architect Yavor Shumenov from Architecture studio"2 Studio", he named this project "Tradition", and why, you will be sure too when you look at how traditional Bulgarian embroidery decorate the little space.
Project "Tradition" was awarded the 3rd Idea Standard-Bathroom of Year 2015 competition with the 3rd prize in the category " Optimized bath" and with our special prize-" Housing"magazine.
Youcan read more:

Friday, June 2, 2017

Amazing Sugar Creation

Hi, my friends!
Passing through the internet I came across a project" The First Bulgarian cake Collaboration" making amazing sugar creations.
I want show you a world of beauty, histoty and culture. All made of sugar. This is one new and different way of expressing your connection with history, cultural and heritage.
Enjoy yourself.
You can read more about each creator:

Photographer: PhotoMara

Photographer: PhotoMara

Photographer: PhotoMara

Photographer: PhotoMara